Vitiligo Frequently Asked Questions

Vitiligo Frequently Asked Questions San Diego.

If you have been recently diagnosed with vitiligo, we are sure you have some questions. Luckily, the dermatology experts at California Dermatology and Clinical Research Institute have some answers. Below you can find the answers to some of the questions we get asked most about vitiligo.

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that causes your skin to lose melanin, the substance responsible for adding pigment to your skin. Either the melanin is destroyed or there is a loss of melanin pigments.

What are the Symptoms of Vitiligo?

The primary symptom of vitiligo is a patchy loss of skin color throughout the body, but usually first occurring on areas of the body that are often in the sun, such as the face, arms, and hands. Some other symptoms include premature gray or white hair, a change in eye color, and a loss of color in the tissue inside your mouth and nose.

Is Vitiligo Common?

Vitiligo is actually relatively rare. Vitiligo is only present in about 1% of individuals across the world, with only around 2 to 5 million individuals with vitiligo in the United States.

What is the Cause of Vitiligo?

While the exact cause of vitiligo is unclear, studies have shown that hereditary and genetics play a part. If someone in your family has vitiligo, you are more susceptible to one day also have symptoms of vitiligo.

What Can Trigger Vitiligo?

There are various triggers that can cause symptoms of vitiligo to become present. Some triggers include stress, extensive exposure to sunlight, and chemical exposure. Vitiligo can also be triggered if your body has an autoimmune reaction and your white blood cells attack your healthy skin cells.

Is Vitiligo Contagious?

Vitiligo is in no ways contagious, as the disease cannot be passed between individuals. Interact with someone with vitiligo as you would anyone else.

Is There a Cure for Vitiligo?

Currently, no cure exists for vitiligo. However, research is continually being done to try to find a way to reverse the skin condition.

How Do You Treat Vitiligo?

There are a variety of different ways to approach vitiligo treatment. Most of the different treatments involve methods to repigment your skin and even out your overall skin tone. A drastic option is to depigment your skin. This is an option for people who have more than half of their body covered with depigmented skin, allowing them to have a universal skin tone.

How Do I Care for Skin With Vitiligo?

Depigmented skin is much more sensitive to sunlight, so it is essential to shield your skin from the sun. Your skin will also be more sensitive to skin products, so make sure to get all natural or hypoallergenic skincare products.

What Are the Different Types of Vitiligo?

There are two different categories of vitiligo: localized vitiligo and generalized vitiligo. Localized vitiligo is when the patches of depigmented skin are specific to one region of your body, while generalized vitiligo is when the patches are spread throughout your entire body.

Can I Get Free Vitiligo Treatment?

You can! At California Dermatology and Clinical Research Institute, we provide those with vitiligo free access to the latest and greatest treatments for the skin disorder. If you are diagnosed with vitiligo, join a vitiligo clinical research trial at CDCRI in San Diego. Not only do you have access to great medication completely free of cost, you may also be eligible to receive cash compensation for time and travel. To learn more, contact us today by calling (760) 203-3839.