Vitiligo research Study In San Diego

Treatment for Vitiligo in San Diego.


Vitiligo (vit-a-lie-go) is another autoimmune disease where the immune system is inappropriately activated against normal body tissues.  In the case of vitiligo, the immune is attacking the normal pigment cells of the skin, called melanocytes (mel-anne-oh-sites).  This results in areas of skin (and hair) that lose pigment and become very light in color. California Dermatology and Clinical Research Institute offers vitiligo treatment with clinical trials in San Diego. 

Where does Vitiligo Occur on the body?

Common areas of involvement are around body openings like the mouth, nose, eyes and genitalia although any area of the body can be involved.  While the way in which pigmentation is lost is fairly well understood, the reason it happens remains a bit of a mystery.  

What Causes Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is caused by a lack of melanin in the skin, as the autoimmune disease destroys the pigment-forming cells you need to maintain a normal skin tone. While scientists know a lack of melanin causes the pigmentation issues of vitiligo, they are unsure what causes the disease to develop in the first place. Research continues to investigate what exactly is the root cause of vitiligo.

Is Vitiligo Hereditary?

You are more likely to develop vitiligo if someone else in your family has had the disease in the past, or if people in your family have a history of their hair prematurely going grey. Therefore, there is a hereditary aspect to vitiligo.

What are the Symptoms of Vitiligo?

The most noticeable symptom of vitiligo is the loss of pigment in specific areas of your skin. Over time, the white patches may get larger or stay the same size, depending on the individual. Once the white patch has developed, it is very rare the normal pigment to ever return to the region.

How do You Treat Vitiligo?

Along with the mystery of its cause, is the challenge of treating it.   There are no FDA-approved treatments so doctors wind up relying on medications used for other conditions, age-old therapies and difficult to implement light treatments to bring the pigmentation back.

Things are changing in the treatment of vitiligo.  There is encouraging work being done with medications that inhibit janus kinase (JAK).  JAK inhibitors are potent manipulators of the immune system and have already shown benefit for patients with vitiligo.

Is Vitiligo Contagious?

Vitiligo is in no way contagious. The disease occurs because of genetic factors, as well exposure to some environmental risk factors. If somebody you love or know has symptoms of vitiligo, you can touch them and approach them without any fear of developing symptoms.


California Dermatology and Clinical Research Institute in San Diego offers research studies for those with vitiligo. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with vitiligo and are looking alternatives to what they are doing now, give us a call. Our clinical team will conduct a thorough consultation and then review your options all without charge. You may qualify for a research study or we may recommend other therapies. To learn more, give us a call at (760) 990-1965.