In 2016, over 30 million Americans reported to their dermatologists’ office with the telltale patches of itchy, scaly, thick red skin caused by eczema. There’s no way to know for sure how much more people scoured the Internet for remedies for this elusive skin condition, but we’d venture to guess the numbers were high. Unfortunately, bad advice is easy to come by, and sometimes finding the right information on how to effectively treat eczema can feel just as overwhelming as the condition itself.
At the California Dermatology and Clinical Research Institute, we’d like to set the facts straight about the best ways to keep your skin healthy and your eczema symptoms under control. Here are a few tips on how to treat your eczema.
Take fewer baths and showers to treat eczema
Believe it or not, “water is the enemy.” The more you wash and dry, the more you dry out your skin, which causes your eczema symptoms to flare. Try taking fewer showers or baths, ideally no more than every other day.
Use soap sparingly as an eczema treatment
Unless you’ve been exercising or working up a sweat in the backyard, it’s ok to give your skin a break. When bathing, lather only the armpit and groin areas, and be sure to include your hands and your feet. It’s best for your skin if you just rinse elsewhere with water.
Try warm water instead of hot while bathing to avoid rashes
When bathing, showering, or washing your face, use warm water. Hot water can further dry out your skin and exacerbate your symptoms of eczema.
Select the right moisturizer for your skin
Keep it simple. Using products with fewer ingredients greatly reduces the chances of an eczema flare-up. People with eczema tend to develop allergies easily, so be sure to read labels carefully, and remember to keep it simple even when using “natural” products.
Try doctor-prescribed cleansers to help treat eczema
Keep an open mind about cleansers, as you may have to experiment with a few products to find the best one. Your doctor is a good resource. If your case is severe, your doctor may prescribe medication to ease redness, itching, and inflammation. The most popular medications for eczema are creams that include antihistamines or corticosteroids. When using a new medication, use it regularly and give it proper time to work.
Support your immune system for eczema treatment
Severe inflammation of the skin is a result of an immune system gone haywire. There are many natural, over-the-counter, and prescription supplements that may help, but be sure to talk to your doctor about what will be best for you.
Ask about alternative therapies for eczema
Many eczema sufferers report significant improvement in their condition with the regular use of alternative therapies. The most popular include acupuncture, ultraviolet light treatments to boost vitamin D production and the growth of healthy skin bacteria, and dietary changes to support the immune system.
Seek ways to reduce stress to stop skin rashes
Many studies link impaired immune system function with stress. Speak to your doctor or mental health professional about stress reduction techniques or and strategies.
Still suffering from eczema in San Diego? We can help treat eczema
If you’ve tried just about everything to relieve your red, irritated, itchy, dry skin, but you’re still suffering from the symptoms of eczema, the California Dermatology and Clinical Research Institute (CDCRI) can help. CDCRI is a premier clinical research center dedicated to the advancement of dermatologic therapy, and we offer cutting edge treatment and therapies for a wide range of skin conditions.
Call our office today by calling us at (760) 203-3839 so we can help you start feeling comfortable in your own skin.