How Do You Treat Alopecia Areata?
Medical experts aren't sure why it happens, but people's immune systems sometimes attack their hair follicles. This action leads to patchy hair loss. This chronic condition is called alopecia areata, and it afflicts people of all ages and both genders.
Alopecia Areata is a Mysterious Disorder
Approximately one out of every 50 people in the world have suffered or will suffer from alopecia areata. As a result of this disease, people often lose clumps of their hair, especially during periods of time when they're stressed or not eating properly. Body hair, as well as hair on the head, may be affected. In fact, about a fifth of the people with this problem will experience total hair loss.
As a result of this disease, people often lose clumps of their hair, especially during periods of time when they're stressed or not eating properly. Body hair, as well as hair on the head, may be affected. In fact, about a fifth of the people with this problem will experience total hair loss.
In about 90 percent of alopecia areata cases, the follicles recover and the hair starts growing again on its own. However, in many of those instances, people will see patches of hair return only to then have patches in other places fall out.
Most people who suffer from alopecia areata are children and teenagers. Naturally, it can be an upsetting issue for them to deal with, and they may worry about what their peers will think.
Medications and Other Treatment for Alopecia Areata
There is no cure for alopecia areata and, to date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration hasn't approved any therapies for it. Some people simply opt to wait out the condition, relying on hats and hairpieces in the meantime.
Nevertheless, effective treatment for alopecia areata is available. Your dermatologist or physician might recommend that you use a combination of the remedies below. Depending on the person, some are more effective than others. As a general rule, those who lose less than half of their hair respond the best to these treatments.
First of all, you could apply a topical corticosteroid, perhaps in conjunction with Rogaine. Alternatively, your doctor might give you a potent corticosteroid injection every so often. (In rare cases, patients take corticosteroid pills.) However they're taken, these hormones work by subduing the immune system.
Alternatively, your doctor might give you a potent corticosteroid injection every so often. (In rare cases, patients take corticosteroid pills.) However they're taken, these steroids work by subduing the immune system.
Another treatment that can help correct the body's immune functions is anthralin. A topical medicine, it stays on the skin for 20 minutes to an hour at a time.
You may be prescribed diphencyprone, a medication that will trigger your body to respond the way it would to an allergen. White blood cells will go to the spots where hair has fallen off, and they'll lessen the inflammation in those places. Thus, those environments will be more conducive to hair growth.
Minoxidil, meanwhile, is a topical substance that can stimulate hair growth in a few people. It's gentle enough for children to use.
CDCRI Offers Alopecia Areata Treatment in San Diego
The doctors at California Dermatology and Clinical Research Institute (CDCRI) are currently studying alopecia areata. They're contributing to the body of knowledge about this disease so that, one day, its causes will be understood and a cure can be identified. Until such time, if you live in the San Diego area and you've been diagnosed with alopecia areata, you might want to take part in a CDCRI study. By doing so, you can obtain the latest and most beneficial treatments. current studies page to find out what research-based treatment is available for your condition. Give us a call at (760) 203-3839.